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Preparing Your Home for Summer Storms | SERVPRO of Houston County

7/15/2024 (Permalink)

dark gray cloudy background with torrential downpour rain overlay When storms strike, call SERVPRO of Houston County to restore your property to preloss condition faster!

Summer is a beautiful time in this part of Georgia, but it also brings the possibility of summer storms. These storms can be sudden and severe, causing significant damage to homes if proper precautions aren’t taken. At SERVPRO of Houston County, we want to help you keep your home safe and sound during the stormy season.

<h2warner-robins-summer-weather">Understanding Warner Robins Summer Weather

Warner Robins, like much of Georgia, experiences hot and humid summers. The combination of heat and moisture can lead to powerful thunderstorms, often accompanied by strong winds, heavy rain, and occasional hail. Being prepared for these storms is crucial to prevent potential damage to your property.

<h2to-prepare-your-home-for-summer-storms">Steps to Prepare Your Home for Summer Storms

Inspect and Repair Your Roof. A sturdy roof is your home’s first line of defense against summer storms. Inspect your roof for any loose or missing shingles, and have them repaired or replaced immediately. Consider scheduling a professional roof inspection to ensure there are no underlying issues that could become problematic during a storm.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts. Clogged gutters can lead to water overflow, which can cause significant damage to your home’s foundation and interior. Make sure to clean your gutters and downspouts regularly, especially before the storm season hits. This will ensure that rainwater can flow freely away from your home.

Trim Trees and Shrubs. Overhanging branches can be hazardous during a storm, as strong winds can break them off and send them crashing into your home. Trim any trees and shrubs around your property, removing dead or weak branches that could pose a threat.

Secure Outdoor Items. Patio furniture, grills, and other outdoor items can become dangerous projectiles during a storm. Secure these items or bring them indoors when a storm is forecasted. This simple step can prevent significant damage to your home and property.

Check Your Windows and Doors. Ensure that all windows and doors are properly sealed to prevent water from entering your home. Consider installing storm shutters for added protection. If your windows are old or damaged, it might be time to replace them with more durable, storm-resistant options.

Have an Emergency Kit Ready. Being prepared for a storm also means having an emergency kit on hand. This kit should include essentials like water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, a first-aid kit, and any necessary medications. Having these items ready can make a significant difference in an emergency situation.

<h2SERVPRO-of-houston-county-for-storm-damage-restoration">Trust SERVPRO of Houston County for Storm Damage Restoration

Even with the best preparations, storm damage can still occur. If your home suffers damage from a summer storm, SERVPRO of Houston County is Here to Help®. Our team of experts is ready to respond quickly and efficiently, providing the restoration services you need to get your home back to normal.

Don’t let storms catch you off guard. Stay safe and enjoy the summer!

Call SERVPRO of Houston County to recover from storm damage fast.

Creating an Emergency Plan for Your Business | SERVPRO of Houston County

7/2/2024 (Permalink)

man in suit at computer working on a standard erp SERVPRO of Houston County is Here to Help® your business prepare for disaster with an updated ERP!

As a business owner in central Georgia, you understand the importance of preparation. An emergency plan is crucial for protecting your business from unforeseen events. Whether it’s a fire, severe storm, or flooding, having a solid plan in place can make all the difference. At SERVPRO of Houston County, we specialize in helping businesses create comprehensive emergency plans to ensure you’re ready for anything.

Why You Need an Emergency Plan

Natural disasters can strike at any time, and central Georgia is no stranger to them. From tornadoes to hurricanes, our region faces unique challenges. An emergency plan helps you mitigate risks and ensures the safety of your employees and assets. It also helps minimize downtime and financial loss, allowing your business to recover quickly.

Key Components of an Effective Emergency PlanRisk Assessment

Start by identifying potential risks specific to your location and industry. This includes natural disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods, which are common in central Georgia. Understand the likelihood of these events and their potential impact on your business.

Communication Plan

Ensure you have a clear communication plan in place. Designate key contacts and establish a chain of command. Make sure all employees know who to contact in an emergency and how to receive updates.

Evacuation Routes and Procedures

Map out evacuation routes and procedures for your facility. Conduct regular drills to ensure everyone knows what to do and where to go in case of an emergency. It’s crucial to keep these plans up-to-date and well-communicated.

Emergency Kits

Prepare emergency kits that include essential items like first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, water, and non-perishable food. Store these kits in easily accessible locations throughout your facility.

Data Backup

Ensure your business data is regularly backed up and stored securely. This helps in recovering vital information quickly and keeps your operations running smoothly post-disaster.

Training and Regular Updates

Training your employees on emergency procedures is vital. Conduct regular training sessions and update your emergency plan periodically to address new risks and changes in your business operations.

How SERVPRO® Can Help

At SERVPRO of Houston County, we offer tailored emergency planning services to help businesses in central Georgia prepare for any disaster. Our experts work with you to develop a comprehensive plan that covers all aspects of emergency preparedness.

Don’t wait until disaster strikes. Take proactive steps today to safeguard your business.

Visit SERVPRO of Houston County to learn more about our services and how we can help you create a robust emergency plan.

Prepare Your Home for Strong Thunderstorms | SERVPRO of Houston County

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

lightning strike across stormy purple sky Whether its storm damage cleanup or restoration, SERVPRO of Houston County is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call.
Understanding the Impact of Thunderstorms

Thunderstorms are a force of nature that can wreak havoc on your home if you’re not prepared. From damaging winds to lightning strikes and flooding, these storms pack a powerful punch that can leave a trail of destruction in their wake. According to research by the National Severe Storms Laboratory, thunderstorms can produce winds exceeding 50 miles per hour and hailstones larger than golf balls, posing a serious threat to property and safety.

Steps to Protect Your Home
  1. Secure Outdoor Items: Before a storm hits, it’s essential to secure outdoor furniture, toys, and equipment that could become projectiles in strong winds. According to a study published by the American Meteorological Society, unsecured objects can cause significant damage during severe weather events.

  2. Trim Trees and Branches: Overhanging branches and dead trees are potential hazards during thunderstorms. A report by the International Journal of Wildland Fire highlights the importance of regular tree maintenance to minimize the risk of falling limbs damaging your home.

  3. Inspect Your Roof: A well-maintained roof is your first line of defense against storm damage. Research from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) emphasizes the importance of inspecting your roof for loose or damaged shingles and repairing them promptly to prevent water leaks during heavy rain.

  4. Check Your Gutters: Clogged gutters can lead to water pooling around your home’s foundation, increasing the risk of flooding. The National Weather Service recommends cleaning your gutters regularly and ensuring they are free of debris to allow proper drainage during storms.

  5. Invest in Surge Protection: Lightning strikes can cause power surges that damage electrical appliances and systems in your home. According to a study by the National Lightning Safety Council, installing surge protectors can safeguard your electronics from potential damage.

Stay Safe with SERVPRO of Houston County

By following these proactive steps, you can minimize the risk of storm damage to your home and keep your family safe during severe weather events.

Remember, preparation is key to weathering the storm and reducing the potential for costly repairs. For professional assistance with storm damage restoration and cleanup, trust the experts at SERVPRO of Houston County.

Stay safe and be prepared!

Visit SERVPRO of Houston County’s website to learn more about our services

Grilling and Fire Pit Fire Safety Tips for Homeowners | SERVPRO of Houston County

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

burgers over open flame grill Gather around the grill, but don't forget about fire safety! Follow these tips from SERVPRO of Houston County to ensure a fun and safe night.
Importance of Fire Safety Awareness

As the temperature rises and the sun graces us with longer days, many homeowners across Houston County eagerly dust off their grills and fire pits, ready to enjoy outdoor gatherings with family and friends. However, amidst the excitement of backyard barbecues and cozy evenings by the fire, it’s crucial not to overlook the importance of fire safety.

According to a study conducted by the National Fire Protection Association, outdoor fires, including grilling and fire pit incidents, account for a significant portion of annual property damage and injuries. Understanding and implementing proper fire safety measures can help prevent accidents and ensure a worry-free outdoor experience for everyone.

Top Tips for Safe Grilling and Fire Pit Usage
  1. Where to Go: When setting up your grill or fire pit, ensure it’s placed on stable ground away from any flammable materials such as overhanging branches or dry grass. Maintain a safe distance from your home and other structures.

  2. Keep a Watchful Eye: Never leave your grill or fire pit unattended, especially when children or pets are present. It only takes a moment for a small spark to ignite a dangerous situation.

  3. Proper Equipment and Maintenance: Regularly inspect and clean your grill or fire pit to prevent buildup of grease, which can increase the risk of flare-ups. Use appropriate tools and utensils to handle hot surfaces safely.

  4. Mindful Fuel Usage: Use only approved fuels and starter fluids for your grill or fire pit, and never add flammable liquids such as gasoline or lighter fluid once the fire is lit. Follow manufacturer guidelines for fuel usage and storage.

  5. Extinguish with Care: When you’re finished grilling or enjoying the fire, make sure to fully extinguish the flames. Use water or sand to douse embers and coals, and wait until they’re cool to the touch before disposing of them properly.

Stay Safe with SERVPRO®

At SERVPRO of Houston County, we understand the importance of fire safety in protecting your home and loved ones. With our expertise in fire damage restoration, we’ve seen firsthand the devastating effects of preventable accidents. By following these simple tips and staying vigilant, you can enjoy a summer filled with fun outdoor gatherings while keeping your property safe from fire hazards.

Remember, when it comes to fire safety, awareness and preparedness are key. Let’s make this summer season a safe and enjoyable one for everyone.

For more information on fire safety and to learn about our services, visit SERVPRO of Houston County.

Planning for Storms With the Kids | SERVPRO of Houston County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of Houston County to help you recover.

The sky has started getting dark, your dog is hiding behind the couch and the kids are anxiously asking a million questions about storms rolling into town. In the chaos that severe weather can sometimes bring, it can be hard to know how to keep your home and your family safe.

While our Georgia home typically has mild temperatures, we can see some pretty intense thunderstorms, tornadoes and even the remains of coastal storms. We may not have a whole lot of control over the weather in our area, but we can control how we respond to it.

When you have a plan, you can maintain your own calm while helping your family keep their cool as well.

Knowing What to Look For

You and your kiddos may know that dark clouds mean a storm is on the horizon, but it is important to make sure you all know how to respond when you see those dark clouds. Take a day outside with the family to talk about clouds. Make sure your children understand that clouds may be fast moving, slightly green in color or even rotating. They need to know that if they see these early warning signs of a storm it is time to find shelter quickly.

Along with getting to know what storms can look like, they also need to know what they can sound like. This means understanding they should never ignore thunder. Lightning can strike before or after a storm, so it’s important to move to a safe place right away and stay there until it has been at least 30 minutes without hearing thunder.

Your family also needs to know what warning sirens and other weather alerts sound like. If you can hear tornado sirens from your house, make sure your kids listen in the next time they are tested. Let them hear what your weather radio sounds like as well when an alert is issued. The more aware of storm safety your whole family is, the faster you can get to safety.

Preparing for the Event

Once you have ensured everyone better understands the sights and sounds of potential strong storms, create an emergency plan with your family. This should include a safe place to go when a warning is issued and talking through what supplies are important to have.

A room without windows on the lowest level of your home is ideal for riding out severe weather. Walk your kids to the space you plan to use, and let them put some blankets, coloring books or other comfort items there to make it more comfortable. If it is a space you can spend time in, playing there can be another way to make everyone feel more calm when you need it for shelter.

Spend time putting together an emergency kit when you create your plans. This should include flashlights, batteries and first-aid supplies, but let the kids choose some fun items to toss in. Shelf-stable snacks are a great addition, along with card games or other activities that don’t require any power.

Getting your kids their own flashlight to use can be another way to help them feel safe and important. This can be a grab-and-go item—something they keep near their beds and can use to safely navigate a dark house. When storm watches are issued, make sure these flashlights are ready, along with plenty of water, prescription medications and a pair of shoes for each family member.

Keeping Calm

Weather anxiety is a common concern, which means nerves are completely normal when the weather is getting rough, especially for children. It’s important for all of us to understand that extreme damage during a weather event is not terribly common. Most homes will only see damage to their roof, siding and yard.

Let your kids know they are safe, and do your best to keep them distracted in order to get through the event as calmly as possible. With a plan, you can make fast decisions and protect your loved ones. Talk with your family soon and handle every storm that comes our way with complete confidence.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

Water Leaks Stink | SERVPRO of Houston County

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

water dripping from ceiling into a large puddle on tile floor Trust our team at SERVPRO of Houston County to provide comprehensive services for a full recovery for all your water damage restoration needs.

You get home from work, ready to relax for the evening, only to find that the refrigerator has started to leak and left the kitchen floor soaked. Or perhaps you just stepped out for a quick trip to the store and an unexpected heavy rain left the wall near an open window drenched.

Regardless of where it comes from, water leaks are often far more complicated than they appear. Damage will typically run deeper than what a mop and bucket can clean up.

Mold, mildew and some pretty yucky odors can’t be ruled out after a leak. The faster you can call in the experts after a leak, the less dealing with a water leak will stink.

Addressing Water Leaks

Water has a sneaky way of getting into all the places you don’t want it to be. When it does, it can cause total chaos in your floors, walls and ceiling. Water moves fast, which means it can quickly find its way into every crack and cranny nearby, leaving moisture in all kinds of places that are hard to reach.

When you discover a water leak in your home, follow your first instinct to immediately start drying things up. While you do, pay careful attention to other places water may have gotten into. Moisture that sneaks behind walls or under floors won’t just dry up on its own. Instead, it will linger and start creating more and more damage.

Eventually, metal support structures can rust and start to break down. Drywall and wood will soften, and mold can form and spread. It doesn’t take long for a massive amount of mold to develop, which means when a leak strikes in your home and you can’t get to it quickly you are going to have to deal with water and mold damage.

Following Your Nose

While there are lots of signs that mold is growing in your home, one that everyone is familiar with is the odor. A damp, earthy and musty smell is a clear indicator that something is going on in your home, especially if you start noticing it after you have cleaned up a leak. Do your best to sniff out the source and call in the pros.

When we get there, we will address the water damage from the leak, the subsequent mold growth and any odors that are starting to build up in your home. Our professionals will replace warped walls and soft floorboards while we also start sanitizing surfaces and filtering the air throughout your home.

The restoration of your home isn’t complete until there are no lingering odors and the potential for mold to grow back is gone. In order to make sure your house is ready to be your home again, we will make sure the leak area and beyond are completely clean. Our crew has your needs covered.

Don’t ignore signs of a water leak. Contact SERVPRO for a full recovery.

Insurance Claims and Restoration: Managed | SERVPRO of Houston County

4/15/2024 (Permalink)

team of servpro workers unloading a branded work van and entering a business for a commercial job SERVPRO of Houston County is Here to Help® with your business' disaster recovery!

Dealing with a disaster can leave your head spinning. There is so much to think through, but your first priority will almost always be ensuring the safety of your family and loved ones.

As you start to really sift through everything that has happened, your concerns for loved ones will likely shift to wondering what kind of damage has been done to your home. Thinking about starting an insurance claim may be far from your mind initially, but the sooner you can start your recovery process, the easier things will be.

Our professionals are ready to respond to your home around the clock, no matter what has happened. We will make sure everything is completed thoroughly and smoothly—even your insurance claim.

Start Fast, Document Often

In every kind of disaster, the faster you can respond, the better. When you can react quickly after a flood, fire or storm, you can mitigate your losses and stop damage from compounding and getting worse. Safety should always be your first priority, though. Stay in a safe place until officials have declared it safe. When you do start to move about, avoid power lines that are down, hot spots from a fire or floodwaters nearby.

First and foremost, make sure your loved ones and neighbors aren’t in need of immediate emergency assistance. When you know that everyone is as OK as they can be, call our SERVPRO® office. We will start putting together your recovery plan as we gather a team and the equipment they will need in order to meet the unique needs of your situation.

As you walk your property, take as many photos as you can. When it comes to insurance claims, the more you can document what has happened, the easier things will be. If you need to correct some damage right away—like water freely flowing from a faucet—do so, but make sure to take note of everything you are doing.

Leave It to Our Team

When a team from our office gets to your home, they will tackle any emergent needs first. This might include tarping your roof or sealing off broken windows in order to prevent future damage. At the same time, we will start working with you to procure any other documentation that may be needed for your insurance claim. Our professionals aren’t just trained to fix damage, they are also up to date on insurance standards and requirements.

While they work, our crew will put together an itemized list of all your losses. We will also take additional photos in order to make the claims process smooth and successful. We come with certifications on meeting insurance inspection standards so that work is completed exactly as it should be. We also make it a goal to restore rather than replace your belongings so that your recovery costs are lower.

Putting your recovery into the hands of our team means your home will be put back together quickly. We will handle everything, including making sure your insurance claim is as simple as possible. It only takes a single call to get life back on track fast, no matter what happens.

When a disaster strikes, call us to make your recovery process—insurance claims and all—simple.

Keeping Flood Prevention Basic | SERVPRO of Houston County

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of Houston is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

When you want to do something well, you need to start with the basics. If you have kids who bring home homework, this is a fact that you know well. Helping with math homework will always go better when you start with the basics.

Starting with the basics is also a good way to prepare and protect your home from potential disasters. We may not be able to control Mother Nature, but when we prepare for her wrath, we can come through anything she sends our way with far less damage.

Floods are one of the top ways that homes are damaged all across the nation and throughout the year—which makes preparing for them crucial.

Know Your Zone

Flooding happens in a great variety of ways, and not all of them come directly from nature. Manmade disasters, such as appliance failures, can certainly be incredibly detrimental to your home, but they are often easier to control than a natural disaster. While our community is fairly inland, it isn’t uncommon to see heavy rains and tropical storms that can cause flash flooding, roof leaks, and ponding water.

With so many risks being common to our area, getting to know where your home lies on a flood plain can be a helpful way to better understand how to stay protected.

Along with understanding your flood zone, take the time to get to know your yard well. If you have an area of your yard that stays wet even with a small amount of rain, it could be helpful to add organic materials or a rain garden to pull water down into the soil and prevent puddles. Lengthening your drainage spouts could be another helpful way to prevent water from getting in your home.

If your home or community has a lot of trees, covering your gutters is a good way to prevent blockages year-round. Checking your roof on a regular basis will also help ensure water never gets trapped and leaks through your home. Check it twice a year and after heavy winds for damage.

Prepare to Prevent

The more you can understand the area around you, the better you can protect yourself—but there are a few more actions you can take to keep your home safe from flooding. Simple home maintenance inside and out will go a long way in preventing water damage.

Start in your yard by ensuring you have a gentle slope away from your house. Be sure to fill in any spots that wash out over time so that puddles can’t form near the foundation. Taking your gutter downspouts underground can not only protect them when a hurricane pushes inward, but it will also ensure water doesn’t have the opportunity to get into your home.

Inside, work from your basement up and ensure everything is well-sealed. If you have a basement, check regularly for signs of gaps or cracks and have it professionally sealed when they become visible. If you don’t have one already, add a sump pump to keep things dry. Replace caulking around your windows and doors throughout your home seasonally as it begins to age.

Preventing and preparing your home for flooding can be simple when you take things back to the basics. Put these items on your to-do list to give the home you love the best care possible. It will keep you safe, and it is much easier than teaching your children division.

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

Dealing With Stinky Sewage | SERVPRO of Houston County

3/15/2024 (Permalink)

sewage water pooling on a kitchen floor after a leak SERVPRO of Houston County is Here to Help® when a biohazard incident strikes your home or business.

When it comes to cleaning up messes, there are few things that could be worse than dealing with sewage. A sewage leak might not be the most destructive thing that could happen to your home or office, but it will likely be one of the hardest disasters to live through.

Sewage leaks are actually pretty common, and they can strike at any time with little warning. Fortunately, when you know how to quickly respond, things can be handled quickly and efficiently so you can get back to life as normal fast.

What to Do First

When sewage pipes become clogged or develop any kind of blockage, wastewater will begin to flow the wrong way and find its way out through your sinks, tubs and showers. Sewage leaks can also start if damage has been done to the pipes or water lines in the system.

Wherever it comes from, the first thing you need to know is to stay away. When water starts to flood or leak, it is classed into three different kinds of water. This includes white water, gray water and black water. White water and gray water come from sources that are considered non-toxic, but black water is a hazardous material. Sewage is classed in the black water category and can carry harmful bacteria, viruses and other microbes.

Don’t touch the water or sewage. Turn the water off to your home or office using the water shutoff valve. Open any windows around the area, and turn on some fans to help eliminate fumes. If you are at the office, let customers and other staff members know so they can stay away. At home, block the area off to keep pets or children safe from harm.

Where SERVPRO® Comes In

Our team is highly trained in a number of biohazard situations and ready to respond around the clock. The moment you call us, your recovery begins. We will gather as much information as possible while we also start putting together a team and the tools to get things cleaned up safely and efficiently.

While you are waiting for our team to arrive, try to take some photos using the zoom on your camera. These obviously aren’t going to be your favorite keepsakes, but the more images you can get, the easier insurance claims will be. The pictures can also help us identify the cause of the sewage leak in order to properly repair it and prevent further incidents.

As soon as the team arrives, we will start removing sewage and standing water from your space. We will also work to find and correct the cause of the leak. While we work, it is important to remember that sewage is considered toxic, and at this point, the best thing you can do is stay away.

Throughout the process, our technicians will be deep-cleaning, sanitizing and ensuring that physical damage is fixed. We will address odor issues, and take every measure we can to eliminate lingering smells. Our job is only complete when your space is completely safe and back to exactly as it should be.

If a sewage leak affects your space, stay back and call us. We will get things taken care of safely and quickly so you can get back to living.

Sewage leaks should always be cleaned up by professionals. Call SERVPRO, and we will take care of you.

Preparing for Spring Storms | SERVPRO of Houston County

3/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pouring down on an outdoor metal roof in a storm Let SERVPRO of Houston County help you get from April showers to May flowers.

Spring has finally come back around, which means new flowers, greener grass and plenty of spring storms. Here in our part of Georgia, spring can bring anything from frost to tornadoes and heavy thunderstorms.

As spring stretches along and temperatures start to feel more and more like summer, storms can often become intense. With such a wide variety of weather possible during this season, it is crucial that we all prepare ourselves for anything.

In order to be prepared, you need to have a reliable way to receive weather notifications and updates. There are lots of options that can help you keep your family safe.

The Power of the Internet

For many of us, screens and phones are an integrated part of our day and never very far away from our hands. That makes receiving notifications on your cell phone a great way to stay safe. There are Wireless Emergency Alerts that come through automatically for a variety of situations, but you can also sign up for a number of apps that can keep you up to date.

When you choose an app to receive notifications from, stick to well-known names or local sources. Many radio and news stations have their own apps that can notify you not just when the weather is severe, but when your town is facing any other kind of events. Make sure you sign up for alerts from the city as well, which can also keep you informed about road closures or other emergencies.

If severe weather is predicted to be heading your way, don’t rely on alerts alone. Keep an eye on the news so that you are not only aware of how Mother Nature is feeling, but also staying informed about evacuation orders and shelter openings.

Non-Electronic Options

We may love our screens and the ways they can keep us connected, but electronics all have a battery that will eventually wear out. It’s not uncommon for storms to knock out power long-term, so it is crucial to have another way to receive alerts and news updates.

If you live close enough to hear weather sirens at home, get to know the different alarms so that you can respond appropriately. Invest in an NOAA weather radio as well. These are often powered with a hand-crank or solar power and can last for several hours. They are also portable, which means even if you are sheltering or evacuating, you can stay informed.

Having multiple ways to receive weather alerts can save your life—but it doesn’t mean you won’t end up dealing with some damage to your home after an event rolls through. Call us the moment you discover damage, and we can start your recovery around the clock. We will get things put back together so you can get back to living like normal.

Serious storms can cause serious property damage. Call SERVPRO® 247 for immediate restoration assistance.